Monday, December 5, 2011

Getting a Fresh Start: Shiloh’s New Life transitional Housing and Services Ministry

by Rev. Gregory Christopher, Senior Pastor

Shiloh’s New Life Transitional Housing and Services Ministry is designed to empower the lives of those who need a hand up and not a hand out. This ministry is designed to meet the needs of the homeless by providing transitional housing, technical assistance for employment and help in furthering their education. Every home provided is equipped with a computer and training is offered using the church’s computer lab. Persons entering these homes must be ready to be empowered for greater living.

Our program is designed to empower people through Jesus Christ for those who are “sick and tired” of being “sick and tired” and want a fresh start in life. Whatever it was or is that caused them to tumble in life is aggressively addressed by qualified persons within the church and organizations within the community that believe everyone is God’s creation. In these homes, the whole person is ministered to.

Shiloh’s New Life transitional Housing and Services Ministry is a reflection of the church’s theme and motto that was established by the late Dr. E. S. Brazill, “Enter to Worship and Depart to Serve”.  These convictions and mandates recorded in the Gospel according to Matthew 25:31-40 compelled the Shiloh church to reach out to the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked and the sick of our community.

This program and others that the church is engaged in have  made us better Christians; doers of the Word and not just hearers of the Word. In this ministry we have discovered that these men and women empower our lives more than we empowered theirs. They have reminded us that for the grace of God, there goes any member of the church.