Saturday, November 26, 2011

Building more than Houses: Habitat for Humanity

by Sue Potter

Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity builds so much more than houses.  When bankers and homemakers and truck drivers work alongside homeowners, they build relationships.  When Baptists and Catholics and Jews and Pentecostals put aside their differences and pick up a hammer, they build bridges of understanding and respect.

Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity is a Christian ministry answering the call of the gospel to respond to our neighbors in need.  What better partners could we have than local churches?  Involving churches in our ministry is a powerful partnership and a key reason Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity has built nearly 200 homes in the last 26 years.

Habitat is blessed to be in partnership with over 50 area faith organizations such as University Place Presbyterian, Rainier View Christian, St. Mark’s Lutheran, Temple Beth El, St. Charles Borromeo, and St. Andrew’s Episcopal.  All faiths are welcome to be a part of our ministry; to help us with the enormous task of ending poverty housing.

Habitat for Humanity is a servant of the church, allowing individuals to put their faith into action.  In working side by side with homeowner families, congregations can open their doors in to the wider community.
Working from a common vision, Habitat and churches can form a powerful partnership to build safe, decent and affordable houses.

Habitat for Humanity counts on churches to provide volunteers for all kinds of help—whether it is for construction, in our retail store or office, providing snacks on the construction site, or helping Habitat to reach out to families in need.  We can use everyone.

The beauty of a Habitat partnership is that it is a win-win proposition.  Churches benefit as well as families and communities.  Habitat offers an opportunity to do more than talk about faith; it provides a way to put love into action.

To become involved, e-mail Sue Potter at  or call 253-627-5626, ext.112.